> Our Leadership Team

The SlickDevs Leadership Team

Your partners in success with application technology.

We're a full-service company, guiding you through every stage of the software development process, from initial concept to deployment and beyond. Our team of experts is passionate about crafting custom solutions that empower your business and drive real results.

About Us

Accolades & Vision: Guided by leaders
recognized for industry excellence.

Dan OKeefe


Dan O'Keefe is a seasoned technology executive with over 30 years of experience in leveraging disruptive technologies to drive business growth and innovation.


Chief executive officer

Vadim Tarasov is a visionary CEO and accomplished technology leader with a robust technical background and a proven track record in driving company growth and executing strategic initiatives

Byron K

Chief technology officer

Byron Kwok is a highly skilled CTO with extensive expertise in back-end development and a strong technical acumen, playing a pivotal role in driving the technological advancements at Slick Development.

About Us
About Us

Why Choose Slick

Team-Based Approach

  • Developer Support

    We don't just assign developers; we support them with a team  of resources including solution leads, project managers, scrum managers, and technical architects.

  • Customer Focus

    Solution leads ensure requirements are translated properly, and project managers simplify the customer experience by providing clear communication and oversight of the project plan.

  • Technical Excellence

    Technical architects ensure applications are built to be robust, scalable, and maintainable.

Fast & Agile Delivery

  • Reusable Components

    Start with common application building blocks for rapid initial deployment

  • Iterative Approach

    Emphasize quick, initial software releases followed by continuous improvement in an agile manner

Proven Track Record

  • Hundreds of Projects

    Delivered successfully for hundreds of customers

  • Five-Star Rating

    Hold a perfect 5-star rating on Google

Global Developer Network

  • Optimal Cost and Time Zone Alignment

    Leverage developers in South America, East Europe, India, Bangladesh, and the United States to best fit project needs and timelines

Expert Application Integration

  • Enterprise and Custom Integration

    Seamlessly connect and synchronize enterprise applications and custom solutions with all types of systems.

Consultation & Estimates

  • Free Consultation

    Offer no-obligation discussions to explore possibilities and provide initial cost estimates.

  • Transparency

    Provide clear, conceptual overviews of what's achievable within different budgets.

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